Student Solution


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1 Course

4 Subjects

2.21 Berkhoffer

2.21 Berkhoffer

Q 2.21 Berkhoffer According to Berkhoffer, why did the Europeans portray the "Indians" as savages and infidels? 1. Write a short intro where you respond to the question in one or two sentences (keep in mind the project themes). 2. In the body of your response support your answer by referring to a specific passage from the reading in your own words. 3. Keep in mind the guidelines for understanding the reading and writing a good post. 4. Comment on one other post, elaborating, clarifying, or giving examples. 5. Extra points for responding to a comment on your initial post.

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Berkhoffer explained that europeans portrayed Indians to be "savages" and "infidels" because when Europeans first came to the "New World" they came in contact with the Indians, they had no information on them or their way of living, culture, and religion. Europeans could only, literally, compare Indians to their way of living and, unfortunately, they did what was expected of them and pictated them to be animals, un-cleaned, and and had no morals.